Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

We're trying a headband today.  She wasn't thrilled about it, but it looks adorable.  We'll see if it lasts.  
Even Maddie got a new Valentine's outifit.  Thanks, Nana.  
Treats for Evie's friends and teachers.  Party today!  

Evie's valentine this year.  Can you tell she wasn't thrilled with having her picture taken that day?  Of course, Mimi still did a great job, as always.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Visit with Santa

Is it December already??!!  Not sure how that happened.  Things have been good at the Noel house, just busy as ever with work, Evie and now holiday festivities!  Evie is super excited this year about Christmas, mainly all the lights and fun music, even though she is not too sure exactly what it's all about just yet.  I tried to get her excited about seeing Santa, and she was, until it was actually time to sit in his lap.  Here is the end result:

And this was after several minutes of "warm-up" time, in which I sat next to Santa while holding Evie, and Santa read her stories and sang her songs (turns out Santa has a LOT of patience the earlier in the season you visit him :)).

But, when it came time for Mommy to leave her alone in his lap, she lost it.  I can't say I didn't expect that, and of course we still bought the photos to go right along with last year's tearful picture.

Here is Evie's dramatic reenactment of the way it all played out (this happened Sunday after lunch at Chuy's with our favorite cousin):

In case the sound is too muffled and you can't make it out, we are asking Evie what she did when she saw Santa...  and then we ask her what he gave her (it was a candy cane).  She came up with that reenactment all by herself, by the way, with absolutely no prompting.  She was especially hamming it up in this video, but ever since she met Santa, she's been fake crying whenever their meeting is mentioned.  Not sure where she gets her dramatic side.  :)

Hopefully there won't be any more REAL tears for Santa this year, and maybe she'll finally understand just why he is so awesome after Christmas morning.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Evie is a sheep this year.  Even though she knows a sheep says, "Baaa," she refuses to say it while in costume.  Oh well, she still looks pretty cute, even if she won't let us fasten her hat under her chin.  :)  Happy Halloween!!

And a reminder of last year...

Halloween 2011

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday: August Recap

Summer has flown by, hasn't it?!  I can't believe it's almost September.  I've been so busy at work that I haven't had a spare second to spend updating the blog, and I try not to spend any weekend or night time on the computer.  So, that's the reason there haven't been many posts lately.  And, to be honest, I haven't been taking nearly as many pictures due to the fact that Evie is still wearing all her same summer clothes (she's been in a size 18-24 months for a while now) AND the fact that she is a constantly moving target with no time to waste posing for pictures!  As a result, our weekly Wardrobe Wednesday posts are likely a thing of the past, but maybe I can do them monthly from now on.  Here's a little of what Evie has been wearing this month...

First Day of Toddler Class!

Happy Wednesday!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

17 Months Old

Can we just pretend like I haven't completely abandoned the blog for the past month?  To make up for it, here are some pictures that Amy took a couple weeks ago.  There were so many good ones, it was hard to choose.  I love them!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday

I was such a bad picture taker this week.  I realized this morning that I had not taken ANY, so this is what I got.  Hopefully her cuteness makes up for the back drop.  Don't worry, Gavin was standing right there to make sure she didn't fall off... which may or may not have already happened once before.  Just a look at the state of things on and above her changing table should let you know that it can get a little crazy at changing time!  :)  

Happy Wednesday!

PS That's a barrette by her foot.  I just realized it kinda looks like a bug.  Things don't get THAT crazy.