Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

No matter how long the weekend is, I always wish it were longer.  And we managed to pack a lot of fun into this long weekend.  Saturday, we took Evie to the zoo for the very first time.  It was hot (the hottest day of the year so far) and crowded, but she really liked it, despite this look she gave me as we entered...
Really, guys?  It's pretty hot. 
We started at the seals, but we had just missed the show.  They still came out for us to get a peek at them.

Then we made our way around, trying to avoid the crowds and stay in the shade as best we could.  Evie really liked the elephants, and in all fairness (for Daddy and Bennett), she liked the tiger, too.  :)  She also really liked some of the birds, and the cats (even though I forget their proper names).  They were the most active and fun to watch.  Lots of the animals were sleeping or unavailable, but we still saw a lot.  We didn't ride the train this time, but we can't wait to go back.

It may be hot, but that was fun!
After the zoo, we stopped at Davenport's to cool off and have some delicious pizza.  Evie had fun there, too.

Sunday, as usual, we went to church and lunch and then played the rest of the day.  And Monday, we had our first official pool party of the summer.  Thanks to some scorching hot days this past week, the pool temperature finally reached a pretty comfortable level.  So we invited the family over for BBQ and swimming.  Thank goodness, Evie liked the pool.
We started out watching Daddy, Bennett and Uncle Brad play catch...

And then we got in.  Yippee!  She kicked and splashed, and even liked her float.

Then she dried off in time for a nap, and when she woke up there was lots more playing.

It's hard to get these two to be still, much less at the same time!  Evie was loving every minute of it, although you wouldn't know it by this look I somehow managed to capture.

And before we knew it, the long weekend was over.  Oh well, at least we're one day closer to the next one!  :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday

Somebody wasn't into looking at the camera this week...

Happy Wednesday!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fourteen Months Old: To Toddle or Not to Toddle

Our monthly onesie pictures stopped at 12 months, and month 13 went by unacknowledged (where does the time go?), but I don't see any reason to quit doing monthly posts altogether. I suppose one she turns two, I'll have to quit referring to her age in months, but for now, I'm still tracking it that way.  A lot can happen in 30 days at this age!   Not that month 14 was a super eventful month for Evie, seeing as she took her first steps just after turning 13 months, and still has yet to start walking on a regular basis.  She's funny.  It's obvious she can do it; she just really doesn't see a need yet.  They even joke at school that she only walks on her own when no one is looking!  Although I hear she took eight straight steps yesterday, which is her record so far.  But once she got home, nothing.  She has, however, discovered the fun of pushing her baby stroller around the house.  And if she can keep up with that thing, she surely could walk on her own.  But that's our Evie.  She has a mind of her own.  She'll become an official toddler when she's good and ready!   I can't imagine where she gets her stubbornness from...  

This video shows Evie's "standing" skills (can you call that a skill?), and then finally shows her pushing her stroller.  You may want to fast forward through the lengthy, uneventful middle part, where I'm trying to persuade her to take the baby for a walk.  I guess that just further proves that she only does things when she's good and ready!  :)  

Sorry about the terrible quality of this video.  I took it on my iPhone.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday

Sorry for the absence last week.  I need more hours in a day.  I'll post this a little early to make up for it. 

She insisted on wearing these shoes yesterday.  I tried to convince her that her white sandals were a better match, but she was adamant.  And they actually looked pretty cute! 

Happy Tuesday/Wednesday!!