Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday (100 Outfit Pictures!!!)

Can you believe it?  I've taken ONE HUNDRED outfit pictures of my sweet Evie (not even counting all the out-takes).  I can't believe she's allowed me to do it for so long, and I also can't believe I've had the stamina to keep going for so long!  Doubtful that we'll make it for another 100, but who knows!

This is the Official 100th Picture

Happy Wednesday!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Evie's First Birthday Party

Will Evie remember her first birthday party?  Not a chance.  Did I put way too much thought and effort into planning it?  Probably.  Did I love every minute of  it?  Absolutely.  And I think Evie had a pretty good time, too!  We only had very close friends and family there, which was just perfect.  Although Evie didn't understand exactly why everyone was there, she didn't care.  She loved the attention, the presents, and watching the bigger kids.


Some of the bigger kids watching from the landing overlooking the den

What didn't she love?  Her cake!  Go figure, that silly girl.  She wouldn't really even try it, much less dig in, like we were hoping.   But we still managed to get some funny pictures.   

And just because I love the details, here are some pictures of what I spent too much a lot of time planning.  The "theme," if you can call it that, was "one in a flash."  Basically, a great excuse to plaster the house with pictures of the birthday girl!!  :)  

The invitation
The treats

12 months of photos

I still can't believe she's one.  Time really does fly!!  

Monday, March 19, 2012

One Year Old

Our sweet girl turned one last Sunday.  It's hard to believe she is growing so fast.  She is not walking on her own yet, but she walks when you hold her hands, and she walks around the coffee table and along anything else as long as she can hold on to something.  She's starting to imitate more sounds and words and is constantly "talking" and babbling.  She has recently started to dance when she hears certain songs, which means she sways back and forth and moves her head around.  She doesn't do it very often, but it's precious when she does.
She went to the doctor last Monday, and she weighs 24 pounds 10 ounces (90th percentile), is 30 inches long (mid 80th percentile), and her head circumference is 18.5 inches (90th percentile).  Her doctor was very pleased with her growth and said she is right on track.
We've started weaning off the bottle, and for the past three days, she's only had one each day (at around 1pm).   She's been eating pretty well, and drinking more and more milk.  Keep your fingers crossed, since she is pretty picky!  

She certainly wasn't uncooperative for this photo shoot, she just had more important things to do.  Like climb the bookshelf.  

Birthday Party post coming soon, I promise!!  :)