Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Evie's Top Five

Since Evie is officially five months old now, I thought it would be approrpiate to list her current top five favorite things, in no particular order.  :) 

1.  The Baby Bjorn
For the past couple of weeks, Evie has LOVED spending time in the Baby Bjorn every evening before bedtime.  This tends to be her fussiest time of the day, and the Baby Bjorn snaps her right out of her bad mood!  Thanks, Gram! :)

2.  Wilson
Evie has gotten so interested in Wilson over the past month.  She will stop what she is doing when he walks by, just so she can watch him.  She also likes to "pet" him, which really means "grab his fur."  Just last week, she even started smiling at him!!  So cute.  Wilson is still not so sure about Evie, however.  He tends to ignore her admiring stares, and he simply tolerates her pats and tugs.  He is a good boy, and he actually does know which toys are hers and [usually] leaves them alone.  He also is good about avoiding her when she is on the floor, although he does forget if he gets excited.  I try to keep in mind that Wilson's life has changed drastically in the past five months, so I cut him as much slack as I can!  (Note that Molly is not on the list.  Interestingly, Evie ignores Molly completely.  I guess she takes after her Daddy.  :))

3.  Sitting Up
Evie now prefers to sit straight up whenever she can.  As soon as I get her out of her crib in the morning, she is lunging forward to sit straight up in my arms.  She prefers a lap, the bumbo seat, exersaucer or high chair over her bouncy seat now, since she has to lean back in the bouncy.  She can sit on her own, but she's still a bit wobbly.  She needs something to stabilize her from leaning over after a while, but I don't think it will be long before she will be able to sit on the floor unattended. 

4.  Exersaucer
Evie loves her exersaucer now.  Since she is sitting up so well, she can spend a long time in the exersaucer without getting tired.  She has even learned to use her legs to bounce in it.  It can be pretty funny when she goes crazy with the bouncing, and I just happened to catch a bit of it on my iPhone this weekend.  Sorry about the poor video quality and about the abrupt ending (and my delayed reaction!)

5.  Blankies
Last on the list but definitely not least are Evie's blankies.  Her favorites are actually old cloth diapers that used to be mine and Amy's!  They're really soft and just the right size.  After discovering how much she loved these, Nana made her a very soft flannel blankie that she really likes, too.  The blankie is now a naptime and bedtime essential.  She likes to have one up by her face to fall asleep and will sometimes completely cover her face. 

In the picture above, she has one of the cloth diapers on her left side, and a shred of my old blankie across the front.  I debated on whether to post the picture below, because it is kinda creepy, but I also think it's too funny to leave out.  It's a picture I took of her on our video monitor.  Look how she's got that thing strategically wrapped around her face!!  :)

There are a few other things that Evie loves right now, including chewing (LOTS of chewing), her feet, her hands (did you see how she was checking out her hand movements in the exersaucer video?!), and hair bows (okay, maybe that's more me than her).  It will be interesting to see how this list changes over the next few weeks and especially months!

UPDATE: Please note that pacis are intentionally nowhere to be found on this list!  We are officially paci-free now, and she clearly no longer needs or misses them.  Yay! 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Five Months Old

Evie was officially five months old this past Thursday, August 11.  She is getting so big!!  Evie is a very happy baby, and she typically only fusses when she is hungry, sleepy or bored.  She has recently started teething, so she is getting a little fussier now, mostly in the afternoons.  We can't see any teeth yet, but we're anxiously waiting for them to pop through.  In the meantime, Orajel helps a little, and she is still, for the most part, our happy little Evie. 

Wilson didn't want to be left out!

I wish I could have used the flash on all of these, but it is so bright, it usually makes her blink or squint.