1. Baby Huggums
I'm listing Baby Huggums first for a reason. Evie has developed a serious attachment to this doll. Serious. She's had more than one melt down when Baby H isn't allowed into the bathtub. And that's about the only thing Baby H isn't allowed to do. She sometimes even has to sit on Evie's highchair tray during meals. Luckliy, so far I've been able to distract her when it's time to leave the house for school, so that Baby H has not yet gone with us. As a result, Evie has adopted a Cabbage Patch doll at school that's about the same size as Baby H. Her teachers say she has started playing with her consistently throughout the day, and Monday I had to pry her out of Evie's little hands when I picked her up. Evie reached up to me to pick her up with one arm and she had her other arm wrapped tightly around the dolls neck! She does the same thing with Baby H: she reaches up to be picked up, and then she makes a frantic grab for Baby H before she gets lifted up. I'm not complaining; I actually think it's pretty cute. We need to work on the melt downs, of course, but I love that it's dolls and not some other random toy. We'll see how long this lasts. I won't mind if she loves dolls for years to come.

2. Baths
Just over the last few weeks, I've quit using Evie's infant tub (she had the kind that started out as a reclining newborn tub and then allowed her to sit up in it when she was able). So, now she's free in the big tub, and she loves it! She crawls back and forth and splashes all around. As long as we can avoid the aforementioned Baby H meltdown, bathtime is enjoyable for both of us!
3. Fruit
So far, there's no fruit that Evie doesn't like, and prunes remain her favorite. We're still working on veggies. She loves sweet potatoes, squash and corn, but she really doesn't care for anything green. I'm not giving up, though!
4. Her Crib
I realize this could change any day, but for now, Evie seems to enjoy spending time in her crib. I'm not saying she loves nap time, because it's not like she just snuggles in and falls right to sleep. Instead, she likes playing around in there. She crawls around, plays with her lambie and blankies, pulls on her bumper and eventually falls asleep. In the mornings, she usually isn't anxious to get out of her crib. She'll play around and won't even put her arms out to me until she's had enough. Sometimes I just get her out, even if she won't put her arms out. It's a good time for me to put away her clothes or pick out her outfit since she's happy and can't go anywhere!
5. Blankies
No explanation needed, since this is nothing new.
6. Waving and Pointing
Ohmygoodness, Evie has gotten SO curious. She points at everything and wants to go inspect it. As soon as she get to one thing, she's pointing to something else. And she's been waving for a while, but now she can actually make the waving motion back and forth. She often prefers just holding her hand up by her head, though, as both "hello" and "bye-bye." All of the pictures below were NOT taken in an effort to capture her pointing. Nope, it inevitably happens EVERY time I try to take her picture!!!
7. Cheerios
Evie loves her some Cheerios. She gets excited when I pull them out of the cabinet. She only gets them after she's finished a full meal, since I'm sure she would stuff herself full before eating anything else, if I gave her the chance. She is generous, though, and she likes to feed them to me and Gavin, too. :)
8. Wilson
Evie still loves Wilson, and Wilson still doesn't return the feeling. He puts up with her, but he usually gets up when she starts patting on him. Evie also loves letting Wilson go outside to go "tee-tee," as we say. She waits at the door and squeals when he comes back.
9. Lights
I think Evie's fasciniation with lights started with Christmas trees. She waved at every Christmas tree she saw and really loved them. Then the trees went away, and she started pointing and waving at the chandeliers! She's still doing it, and she loves turning off light switches and then waving bye bye to the room. :)
10. Walks
Thanks to some unseasonably warm weather lately, Evie and I have been able to get outside and go for some walks. I'm thrilled that she still loves to stroll through the neighborhood and I'm already looking forward to Spring when we can hopefully resume our daily walks. They're good for both of us!