In honor of Evie's turning seven months old, I thought it was time for another list of her favorite things like the
one I did two months ago. I hope these are a good way to capture who she is at various stages and that they'll be fun to look back at as she grows up. Here are seven of her current favorite things, in no particular order:
1. Walks
We are loving the nice weather we've been having and are taking full advantage of it. Every afternoon, Evie and I go for a walk around the neighborhood. She enjoys the fresh air and looking around at everything, as well as the occasional nap (if she's had a long day:)). And I enjoy the exercise! I actually really look forward to our walks and will be so sad when the weather turns too cool to keep enjoying them. In the meantime, these walks are a great replacement for the Baby Bjorn, which Evie likes a lot more than mommy's and daddy's backs do!! She's getting heavy!! :)
2. Blankies
Nothing new about Evie's love of her blankies! But she does love to chew on them now.
3. Books
I'm so glad Evie loves books! Her teachers at school realized she loves them right away, even without my saying anything about it. In fact, Evie and Emma (the only other little girl in Evie's class) love to go back and forth with a certain book at school, grabbing it from each other over and over. Nevermind the fact that there are two other copies of the exact same book within reaching distance of both of them! Funny.
She also loves to look at books, flip the pages, and have them read to her. Right now her favorites are Good Night Moon, Time for Bed and Baby's Day (a Disney book with buttons that talk when you push them). She lights up whenever I start that one.
4. Anything that is Not an Actual Toy
If it's not approved for babies, Evie is sure to love it! :)
She just looks like a little troublemaker here, doesn't she?! Yes, that is a wipes wrapper and a tube of Orajel. Don't worry, she's never left unattended with any of these things!! |
5. Fruit
Evie really likes fruit. And would you believe her favorite is prunes??!! She scarfs those right up every time. She also loves pears, apples and peaches. As for veggies, she is not yet a huge fan. I thought she was actually going to throw up when I gave her peas for the first time. She also gags with carrots. She does like sweet potatoes, however, and green beans are growing on her. She's a pretty good eater, but it varies from day to day. She really likes feeding herself (the messier the better, of course) and is pretty good at getting the spoon straight into her mouth.
Yes, she is sitting in a bath seat suction cupped to the island. Again, never unattended. :) |
6. Peek-a-Boo
Sorry, no pictures of this one. But Evie loves it when she pulls a blanket from over her face and hears, "there she is! Peek-a-boo!" She also thinks it's hilarious when you hide behind the corner and jump out and yell "peek-a-boo!"
7. School
No pictures of this one either, and I must be sure to get some. I am so, so thankful that Evie loves her school and all of her teachers. She is the oldest in her class (by a whopping two weeks), and as mentioned above, is one of two girls and four boys. It is obvious that her teachers love all those babies, and I know she is being very well taken care of. That makes all the difference in the world!
Maybe I'll be able to add church nursery to this list in a couple months. I'm not holding my breath. :)